Sunday, 23 November 2014

Opening Credits on a Film Order


Here is the opening credits in order for a film.

1.       Studio name

2.       Production company

3.       Main actor/s

4.       The title of the film

5.       Supporting cast

6.       Casting directors

7.       Listing producers

8.       Music/composers

9.       Costume designers

10.   Editor

11.   Production designer

12.   Director of photography

13.   Executive producers

14.   Writers

15.   Directors

See you soon!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

'The Mugging' - Demonstrating the Match on Action and the 180 degree rule


Here is a short film that we created at the start of the year. The purpose of this was to create a film demonstrating and applying all the shot techniques/rules we had recently learnt, including shot reverse shot, the 180 degree rule and basic match on action, match on action being the continuity of the editing and smoothness between shots, where one shot cuts to the next shot whilst still showing the position of the subject from the first shot. Most of the of the techniques in this video we took on to use in our final opening credits film.

My evaluation of ‘The Mugging’.
Our task was to create a short film with many different camera angles in it as possible to try and make the film flow naturally. Of course, this was difficult at first but when we remembered the rules and action lines, we are able to create a short film that was easy to interpret as a viewer. Eliot made some good decisions on how we should film it as he was the director. Anything we said, Eliot had an input on it. For example, I made a mistake about suggesting a type of camera shot but as Elliot rightly corrected me, it would have broken the 180 degree rule.
We found filming difficult because we couldn’t stop laughing and what should have taken us around 15 minutes ending up taking us about a whole hour. Next time, we’ll try to not laugh as much to get the work done in as shorter time possible so we could work on improvements because we didn’t have time to do it. That would be why some shots are blurry because the camera wasn’t in focus. So if we allowed ourselves more time to look over the film, we could have had a higher grade.

See you soon!

Different shot types


This was our attempt of putting all the shot types we had learnt about during the past few lessons into a short scene.

We made one, minor mistake on the panning shot. We didn't realise it at the time, but we didn't do it properly. We were supposed to track the ball while staying still. This would mean that the camera man would stay in one place but the camera would twist to follow the ball. The next shot was the tracking shot and we actually filmed the panning shot instead. We only realised this when watching the completed film.

See you soon!